The Christian Experience at NCS
Everything we do and teach at Nanaimo Christian School is rooted in the Christian faith and founded upon God and His Word. You’ll see it in the curriculum. You’ll see it in our care and concern for our students and their families.
Faith in our mission
Faith plays a large role in our mission as a school. Each new day brings wonderful opportunities as we fulfill our mission:
In community, NCS pursues Christ-centered educational excellence that equips students to live Biblically, act responsibly, work cooperatively, communicate effectively and achieve success in who God has called them to be. Read more.
Our faith community
NCS students, families, administrators, teachers and staff attend Christian churches representing more than 40 different denominations. The school is not affiliated with a specific church or denomination. One local church rents our gym for worship services on Sundays, but it is not affiliated with the school. The majority of families whose children attend NCS are Christian.
How students experience God’s love and Biblical teaching
Bible classes
Biblical perspective woven into every subject
Daily prayer in the classroom
Weekly chapel in the gym (singing, short message)
Teachers dedicated to praying for and mentoring students
Conflict resolution with a restorative justice model
Faith-based learning environment
NCS is a place where students can belong, believe and achieve like never before. Our faith-based learning environment is what makes this possible. We see the evidence in our graduates.
Right away, students feel the love at Nanaimo Christian School. They’re welcomed, noticed, encouraged and cared for. NCS is a place where their unique God-given gifts are celebrated. It is a place where they know that they belong and they are known for who God has created them to be.
Everything we do and teach is rooted in the Christian faith and God’s Word. We go beyond rules and consequences to reach our students’ hearts and inspire Christ-like transformation. We want them to love who God has called and created them to be. Students who feel loved and cared for, and whose identity is rooted in Christ, are set up for academic success.
At NCS we teach the curriculum provided by the BC Ministry of Education, but we do it our way. We recognize that each student is unique and we are constantly changing how we teach to meet the needs of our students. Achievement isn’t measured only by academic excellence but also in seeing students achieve success in who God has called them to be.