Frequently Asked Questions
1. What curriculum do you follow?
2. Are you funded by the BC Ministry of Education?
3. How do you address unique learning needs?
4. How is technology incorporated into learning at NCS?
5. Is NCS affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
6. Do I have to be a Christian to attend NCS?
7. What are the different aspects of the Christian experience at NCS?
8. Why does NCS require families to pay tuition?
1. What curriculum do you follow?
Nanaimo Christian School offers a full range of programs, offering an education that satisfies and goes beyond the requirements of the BC Ministry of Education. As a funded, fully accredited Group 1 Independent School, we are regularly inspected by external evaluation committees appointed by the Ministry of Education, and have always satisfied their requirements in those inspections.
While we teach the range of subjects required in the Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines, all courses are taught from the perspective of a Biblical worldview. All of our teachers are professionally qualified and certified through the Ministry of Education, and all teach as committed Christians.
2. Are you funded by the BC Ministry of Education?
Yes. As a fully accredited Group 1 Independent School, we receive 50% of the funding that a public school receives for each student. The remaining balance is covered by NCS tuition fees. Tuition fees are tax deductible.
3. How do you address unique learning needs?
Through our student-centered approach to learning and collaborative planning process we are well equipped to meet the wide range of learning styles and abilities that are in our classrooms.
We believe that all students, regardless of their physical, academic, social and emotional needs, are equally valued by God and are best nurtured in a Christian school community. Since this involves the whole child, the curriculum should provide children with experiences which seek to foster: spiritual development, emotional and social development, intellectual development, artistic development, and skill development to the fullest potential, personally and within the community. Students are encouraged to develop their God-given gifts and talents, in order to serve God and the community. ​
Our team of educational assistants, student support teachers, and school counsellors support students with IEPs (Individual Education Plans) so they can thrive.
4. How is technology incorporated into learning at NCS?
NCS is known as a leader in innovative education, and technology has played a significant role. Students have access to:
130 classroom Chromebooks in Kindergarten to Grade 5
A one-to-one Chromebook/laptop program in middle and high school
Upgraded Wi-Fi infrastructure
Digital projectors in all classes
Green screen technology for filming
3D printers/technology
Laser and vinyl cutters
Heat press
5. Is NCS affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
No. NCS is not affiliated with a church or denomination. One local church rents our gym for worship services on Sundays, but it is not affiliated with the school. Our students, families, administrators, teachers and staff attend Christian churches representing more than 45 different denominations.
6. Do I have to be a Christian to attend NCS?
No. However, the majority of families whose children attend NCS are Christian.
7. What are the different aspects of the Christian experience at NCS?
We believe that God has created all of us in His image, but he also created each one of our students unique. This belief permeates our individualized student-centered approach to learning and discipline.
Students will experience God’s love and Biblical teaching in various ways:
Bible classes
“Christ in the Classroom” curriculum woven into every subject
Daily prayer in the classroom
Weekly chapel in the gym (singing, short message)
Teachers dedicated to praying for and mentoring students
Conflict resolution with a grace and forgiveness model
8. Why does NCS require families to pay tuition?
The government funds a portion of our annual operating costs as a private, independent school that follows a Christian curriculum. Tuition is required to cover the remaining portion of operating costs, debt reduction, and the maintenance of the physical property. In order to maintain government funding our overall costs must be lower than the public school.