Introducing a new middle school teacher at NCS.

Meet Mr. Craig Woelke, a new middle school teacher at Nanaimo Christian School! Here are 7 things you need to know about him.
1) New position at NCS
Middle School Teacher
2) Before coming to NCS
I worked at several labour jobs and lived in many different cities. For a time I even ran my own siding company. As 30 approached and fatherhood became a central focus, I decided that a change in vocation was in order. I went back to school to Vancouver Island University. My first teaching job was in Dalian, China then Campbell River, BC and now just recently I’ve been able to return to Nanaimo.
3) Favorite thing about my work
I love working with kids and doing a small part to make a difference in their lives.
4) If I were an animal ...
I’d be a wolf. Wolves are wild yet tameable, willing to be alone yet they are fiercely loyal to their pack. They value family and enjoy eating copious amounts of meat.
5) Secret talent or party trick
I’m decent with a yo-yo.
6) Hobbies
I mountain bike, hike, play chess, play video games and board games, and write.
7) God has been teaching me
God is gradually showing me what it means to surrender to His will and the peace that follows if we are able to do that.