Introducing our new Development Assistant at NCS.

Meet Mrs. Sam Collins, a new development assistant at Nanaimo Christian School! Here are 7 things you need to know about her.
1) New position at NCS
Development Assistant
2) Before coming to NCS
For the last 12 years I have been raising my 4 children and more recently volunteering here at NCS. Prior to that, I had a government job. I worked in Diplomacy and was based both in London and overseas.
3) Favourite thing about my work
I love connecting with people and seeing the wonderful work that is done at NCS daily. I enjoy being able to witness the enthusiastic energy of the children and the love and care that the staff pour into their work. I am fortunate that I get to engage with our entire community.
4) If I were an animal ...
I would be a cat. Endless naps and curling up in a warm spot appeal greatly to me.
5) Secret talent or party trick
I can count to 10 in Turkish.
6) Hobbies
I have a hobby farm! I keep regular pets like a dog and cats but on top of that I have goats, sheep, ducks and chickens. I am a big fan of Formula 1 motor racing and am captivated watching the races. I love spending time with my family and having outdoor adventures.
7) God has been teaching me
I was introduced to this verse a few years ago at camp. It is the one that I always return to. No matter what is happening, I know that when I pause and look to the great outdoors that I will feel grounded and ready to tackle whatever I am facing.
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2