Students write and rehearse the songs, design costumes, build the set, and bring to life a Biblical theme for the production
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It's baaaaaaack! The in-person, live performance of the annual opera by Grades 3-5 returns to the NCS stage March 9 & 10 at 6:30pm.
We are so excited to be able to welcome parents and grandparents again! Two years ago the students had completed two of their three opera performances when COVID cancelled the final performance and sent everyone into isolation.
Since then we've learned lots about body systems, especially about the immune system. And this year's opera presents what our Grade 3-5 students know about all of the body systems. Students will bring to life the importance of the unity and diversity found in our physical body systems but also the biblical truth of “One Body But Many Parts” found in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
The annual show brings all six classes together in a production where students tell a story through song and performance. They write the lyrics and music, and build costumes, props and other stage components. This year students chose well-known pop songs and wrote their own lyrics, each class introducing a different body system. Imagine singing about the respiratory system to the tune of an Imagine Dragons' song or about the digestive system with Bruno Mars' melodies!
We are BEYOND excited to once again have parents as an audience. Spectators are still limited to 50% capacity per COVID restrictions, so we are able to offer only a small number of tickets to each student. But we will host a livestream option for families, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends wanting to watch from home.
Students will be filming their performances this year. Performances will vary from acting on stage to stop motion films. Set design and technical skills are all being explored to a whole new level this year, students are excited to have multiple media options available to them.
Join us for the live performances -- Wednesday March 9 and Thursday, March 10 at 6:30pm.
Come and see what this production has taught us in many areas including:
Building community
Critical thinking
Personal and social responsibility
Musical skills
Stage acting
Creative writing & editing
Public speaking
Science concepts
Biblical truths
One Body but Many Parts: 1 Corinthians 12-27
12 There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ. 13 We were all baptized by one Holy Spirit. And so we are formed into one body. It didn’t matter whether we were Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free people. We were all given the same Spirit to drink. 14 So the body is not made up of just one part. It has many parts.
15 Suppose the foot says, “I am not a hand. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. 16 And suppose the ear says, “I am not an eye. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell? 18 God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. 19 If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body? 20 As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body.
21 The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t do without. 23 The parts that we think are less important we treat with special honor. The private parts aren’t shown. But they are treated with special care. 24 The parts that can be shown don’t need special care. But God has put together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any. 25 In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of one another. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.
27 You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.