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There's a new bus on campus thanks to your donations

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Last year's extracurricular fund donations covered the cost of a new 24-passenger bus for student field trips, athletics and more.

Your donations of $129,112 to Nanaimo Christian School's extracurricular fund last year have allowed the school to purchase much-needed stage equipment and a new 24-passenger bus, which arrived in April. Thank you!

The 24-passenger bus makes it possible for more students to travel to field trips, athletic games and tournaments, live performances, and other outings. We are especially grateful to Oceanside Church International for their generous gift toward the bus.

This week the high school outdoor education class was able to travel in the bus to Horne Lake Caves to see a different aspect of God's creation. Students learned about some of the formations of caves and how they were formed.

“The new bus allows me to take my outdoor education class around Nanaimo in a safe and secure vehicle to learn outside of the school walls and explore the outdoors in our community. -- Brian DeSchiffart, High School Teacher

The bus will also have a big impact on our student athletes.

“The bonding that happens when teams are able to travel to tournaments together is key to a strong athletics program, so having a reliable travel option will only help with the successes we are seeing,” says Breanne Quist, Athletic Director.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, alumni and other friends of the school who continue to come alongside us in our mission of Christian education, equipping students to achieve success in who God has called them to be. You are making a difference.

Outdoor Education Class, Horne Lake Caves, April 2023

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