As we celebrate the end of the 2020-21 school year, all of the year-end live stream events will be available to watch on this page of the NCS website.
June 15
8:45 AM - High School Concert Band Performance
June 16
8:40 AM - High School Awards Ceremony
June 18
9:00 - 9:30 AM - Kindergarten Grad
9:40 - 10:10 AM - Kindergarten Grad
1:15 PM - Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony
June 23
9:00 AM - Closing Assembly for K-5
1:30 PM - Middle School Closing Assembly and Grade 8 Roast

“NCS has not only been a place of education and inspiration for our children for almost 10 years but a place to grow spiritually, a place to be loved on, guided through, and embraced by the staff and students alike … like family -- and, well ... It IS family! And that's why we love NCS!"
Susan Boland, NCS parent