of student safety & accessibility
We all want what's best for our students and that includes a safe and barrier-free environment for them.
To ensure that the school is in compliance with the new accessibility regulations under the Accessible British Columbia Act, it’s time to invest in a few upgrades at Nanaimo Christian School.
We sought the advice of the Society of Christian Schools of BC and put together an accessibility committee of parents and staff who drafted the NCS Three-Year Accessibility Plan (2023-26) with recommendations for school upgrades.
The three greatest and most pressing needs are: upgrading the public address system, adding automatic doors, and installing evacuation sleds.
Here’s how, with your generous support, each one will benefit students and our community.
Upgraded public address system
Upgrading the current PA system’s sound and reach will allow announcements to be heard in every learning space, office, and in outdoor areas – a critical need especially in the event of an emergency. Everyone benefits from better sound quality but especially those students with hearing impairments or attention issues. Two-way communication between classrooms and offices is also needed to improve safety and efficiency. If we exceed our giving goal we may be able to purchase new technology that will also integrate teacher lapel microphones with room speakers (called a “soundfield” system). Teachers use their natural voice and every student hears like they’re in the front row.
Automatic doors at front entrances
Replacing a front entrance door with an automatic door that can be opened at the push of a button promotes inclusion and independence for anyone with limited mobility including parents pushing strollers and injured students on crutches. A door that’s easy to open sends a welcoming message to students, staff, and the broader community.
Evacuation sled at the tops of stairways
Without adaptive equipment not everyone has access to a quick, safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. If there’s an earthquake or fire, the school’s elevator is no longer an option for students, staff, or visitors who have limited mobility or use a wheelchair. An evacuation sled is an essential tool to make sure everyone can get to safety.
The goal: $75,000 by June 30, 2024
Please consider making a gift to help NCS ensure a safe and barrier-free school environment for our community. Your gifts are tax deductible as NCS is a registered charitable organization.
Give a gift today

Pray that where God guides He will also provide.
Partner with NCS by making a financial gift or contribute your company’s in-kind services. E-transfer to accounting@ncsnanaimo.com (indicate student safety & accessibility) or donate online here:
Questions? Contact us!
250.754.4512 ext. 120 or development@ncsnanaimo.com

As a level-one funded school, NCS receives 50% of the student grant given to local public schools. NCS relies on generous giving to cover some costs associated with programs, services, building utilities, maintenance and facility upgrades.