Join NCS families and staff for bouncy castles, carnival games, food and fun 5:30-8:00pm!

Calling all Nanaimo Christian School families! The annual NCS fun fair welcomes students and families to the NCS campus for an evening of fun and community building Thursday, September 22 at 5:30-8pm by donation. Meet your childrens' teachers, meet other families and join in the fun on the sports field behind the school.
Whats happening
Carnival and lawn games with teachers
Inflatable fun with bouncy castles, obstacle courses and jousting
Dunk tank and the chance to dunk some of your favourite teachers
Cupcake walk
Hot dogs, chips and drinks (gluten free and vegetarian options)
It takes hundreds of volunteer hours to make this event the success it is every year. Can you help out? See the volunteer opportunities here.
Our parking lots and roadside parking can't accommodate everyone at the same time for fun fair. To make your fun fair arrival and departure safe and swift, there are two free shuttle bus parking locations. Please use these options as there will be limited parking and access at NCS. The shuttle buses will run continuously throughout the evening from:
Cavallotti Lodge on East Wellington Road
Public parking lot on Westwood Road - located between the junction of East Wellington and the SPCA branch.

The annual fun fair is made possible through your kind donations, which help offset expenses. At the event you can donate via cash, e-transfer, debit, credit card or through an online link. You can donate now at this link:
Get involved
It takes more than 200 volunteer shifts to make fun fair happen. Thank you to the parents, grandparents and students who already signed up to volunteer. There are still plenty of volunteer slots to fill, and your help makes a big difference!
Did you know?
As a level 1 funded school in the province of BC, Nanaimo Christian School receives 50% of the student grant given to local public schools. NCS must raise additional operational funds from tuition fees and donations to cover events, programs, services and costs such as building utilities, maintenance and expansion.
Thank you for your support! Whether you are volunteering or donating an item, your skill or your time, we are so thankful that you are here. Our community is better for having you!