Your Canucks' votes top Oilers' votes by a landslide, putting Oiler fan in an awkward position AND raising $4,428.90 for recess equipment.

The day that many have dreamed of has come true.... Mr. Sijpheer will wear a Canucks' jersey tonight to the Oilers vs. Canucks game at Rogers Arena in Vancouver!
Your Canucks' votes topped Oilers' votes by a landslide, putting the fanatical Oiler fan in an awkward position AND raising $4,428.90 for recess equipment.
We asked the NCS community: 'What jersey should Mr. Sijpheer wear?' and the final tally is:
Canucks $3,547.90
Oilers $881.00
All proceeds -- a total of $4,428.90 -- will go toward outdoor hockey and recess equipment. Wow! Thank you to everyone who donated! And thank you to Mr. Sijpheer for being a good sport - we hope :)
UPDATE: The new recess equipment has arrived! See photos and read more.