of extracurricular activities
We did it! We met our goal to raise $50,000 for extracurricular activities in 2021-22! Thank you!
Together, we raised $50,000 for extracurricular activities to help kids discover and cultivate their God-given gifts. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our NCS Has Talent Dinner & Auction fundraiser May 13! And thank you to everyone who donated throughout the school year. Our 2021-22 goal is to purchase:
• A 15-passenger van for teams and clubs to travel
• Stage equipment for chapel and performing arts (microphones, speakers, cords, light bars, a curtain, etc.)
Why now?
With more students, we have more teams and groups needing to travel to games and performances. A 15-passenger van is efficient and can be driven by all staff. For chapel and performing arts, if we own the stage equipment, students can practice and perform more effectively.
The goal:

Pray for the staff at NCS as they equip students to “achieve success in who God has called them to be.”
Help with fundraising. Do you know someone who could offer a discounted rate on a van or stage equipment? Are you a natural at making phone-a-thon calls to ask for donations? Email us.
Send us your story of God at work at NCS so we can share it and encourage NCS families, staff and potential donors.
Give extracurricular activities a boost.
Donate to cover the cost of the 15-passenger van or a piece of stage equipment. Stage equipment needed for chapel and performing arts includes:
Replacement speakers/monitors
Stage light bars
Stage curtain
Support the building campaign.
Wait lists are happening at most grade levels. Our growth is being slowed only by our ability to find spaces for more students. Donate to help NCS expand and reach our $8.6 million goal.
Questions? Contact us!
250.754.4512 ext. 120 or development@ncsnanaimo.com