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$75,000 goal set for expansion land campaign

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

Please pray and consider how you can join us as we begin converting the expansion land to usable space for students.

God is doing big things at Nanaimo Christian School, and we invite you to be part of it! Last spring, after six years of prayer, NCS was able to purchase the L-shaped 4.1-acre property across from the school’s main parking lot. A task force is working on strategic plans for this new field, our expansion land. We’re ready to start preparing the expansion land for students to use and hope you’ll come alongside us to make that possible. THE GOAL: $75,000 by June 30, 2022 … to go toward a site survey, architectural drawings, site preparation, and debt reduction of the expansion land purchase. Please pray and consider how you can join us as we begin converting the expansion land to usable space for students. Have the kind of impact only you can have through your prayer, financial gifts or in-kind services. Being able to use this expansion land – in the long term – allows us to add on to existing buildings and create more classroom spaces as the school continues to grow! DONATE How you can be a part of it...

Pray that where God guides He will also provide. Share your ideas, your leadership or your connections to help guide the early stages of planning and land development. Contact us at (250) 754-4512 or Partner with NCS by making a financial gift or contribute your company’s in-kind services. You Are A Blessing! Thank you for investing in the lives of children and helping them to truly thrive. Your support makes an incredible difference now and for generations to come. Questions? Contact us! 250.754.4512 ext. 120 or

“Developing our expansion land will give students more room to learn and play outside. As plans develop we’ll share the details of how we’ll use this land to bless our students and the local community.” -- Jenn Tonsi, NCS Board Chair
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